Netgain Events

Suite Connect NYC

Feb 6

Feb 6



Convene Brookfield Place

225 Liberty St

New York, NY


Join Netgain in NYC! Our team is heading East to attend SuiteConnect. Meet our team during the expo or schedule time with our experts for a custom demo.


Looks like we missed you.

This event has ended, but we'd love to see at another event.

What you'll learn

Netgain is thrilled to be attending SuiteConnect in New York City, and we'd love to see you there.

Netgain is here to shake up the accounting game, pushing the boundaries of what you thought possible. Imagine a future where transformational tech meets the savvy know-how of accounting teams to supercharge every decision your business makes.

That's the future we're building—one where automation and artificial intelligence turn the often-tedious task of accounting into a dynamic force that propels businesses and the entire economy forward.

Our team is attending this year, and we'd love to talk to you about how to:

  • Turn NetSuite into your single source of truth
  • Maximize the ROI of your NetSuite investment
  • Eliminate second-guessing and errors that stem from manual processes
  • Save valuable time so you can focus on strategic initiatives that will make an impact

Our team will be in Netgain shirts, but feel free to request a demo prior to the event, and we'll be sure to set up some time with one of our experts.

Netgain and SCS Cloud teams at  ConnectX in Atlanta, GA.
Lounge at SuiteConnect NYC sponsored by Netgain
High Roller in Las Vegas, NV
Netgain team in front of the Netgain booth at SuiteWorld.
Netgain booth at SuiteWorld
Speaking Session

Session Details


Netgain Events

Trusted by thousands of finance and accounting teams